Unexpected Clementine and Avalanche Rose Bouquet


Unexpected Clementine and Avalanche Rose Bouquet


Unexpected Clementine and Avalanche Rose Bouquet
Unexpected Clementine and Avalanche Rose Bouquet

It takes a truly daring bride to incorporate the unappreciated, vibrant color of orange into her wedding. It turns out this popping hue is completely gorgeous in bouquets, such as in this Unexpected Clementine and Avalanche Rose Bouquet. Surrounded by toned-down pale white flowers such as geraniums and hyacinths, the succulent fruit and vivid orchid really pop. Simultaneously tasteful and shocking, this bouquet would fit right in at either a spring or summer wedding. You're not a wallflower, brides, so don't settle for dull and lifeless flower arrangements when deciding how to make a bridal bouquet.

Time to CompleteUnder an hour

Primary TechniqueFlorals/Wreaths



Photography by Kirill Bordon Photography

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This is incredibly unique and unexpected! I love the idea of incorporating fruits and veggies into a bouquet or floral arrangement. I bet it smells amazing, too!

Wow, this is VERY unexpected, but lovely in its own way. It's not overly girly or feminine, and the clementines add a surprising pop of color.


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