Gorgeous Crochet Bouquet


Gorgeous Crochet Bouquet


Gorgeous Crochet Bouquet
Gorgeous Crochet Bouquet

Flowers wilt but yarn lasts forever, so make your bouquet last as long as your love with the Gorgeous Crochet Bouquet. Learn how to make your own bouquet that can be handed down from generation to generation with this easy-to-follow crochet flower pattern. Guests will be in awe over your stunning handmade forever bouquet. Whether you make it yourself or someone special makes it for you, this darling bouquet is sure to be one of your favorite touches. Match the yarn to your wedding colors for an extra-personalized feel. Walking down the aisle will be even better with this bouquet to have and to hold.

Estimated Cost$11-$20

Time to CompleteLonger than a weekend


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This is very pretty. For a wedding I would make them all white or what ever color you have for your wedding theme. I want to make this to take to the nursing home . They aren't allowed real flowers in rooms they share with others due to asthma and allergies so this is perfect.

Whoa, this bouquet is lovely and very eye-catching! I'm not sure I would use it for my wedding, but it would be great for home decor, or for a party centerpiece.

These flowers are fantastic sewn onto a basic black or navy tea cosy. ( I usually knit my cosy in rib stitch)


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