Expression Fiber Arts
Hi. My name is Chandi and I'm the founder of Expression Fiber Arts®.
In mid 2011, I knew instantly I wanted my own beautiful yarn-dyeing studio. I wanted a knitting blog to share my projects and inspirations with other fiber fanatics. I wanted to make the world a better place through my craft. And I wanted to offer heart-crushingly gorgeous shades of yarn and fiber. And so Expression Fiber Arts® was born.
I sold my closet-full of Lolita dresses (I had ordered in a whole closet of dresses at one point in my life when I was convinced I wanted to dress like Marie Antoinette till my dying day. That lasted about 3 weeks.) to build up enough capital to place my first yarn order.
I began dyeing random shades and listing them to see which colors sold best and if I could even sell any at all. It was a little scary. Having owned and operated my own cosmetic company in the past, I knew some about business operation, but yarn is quite a different pickle than cosmetics. Sales began trickling in, and then picking up and then the snowball effect kicked in and here we are today.
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