
How to Make a Bouquet

Learn how to make a bouquet of flowers at home with this easy tutorial. This DIY bridal bouquet will really impress your guests on your big day.

By: Maegan from
How to Make a Bouquet

Save a ton of money on your big day by making your own bouquet of flowers at home. This comprehensive tutorial on How to Make a Bouquet gives general pointers, which means that you can use your favorite flowers and still accomplish the same stunning result. In no time, you will know how to make a simple wedding bouquet you will truly love and cherish.

While florists charge outrageous amounts to create beautiful arrangements, you can walk down the aisle carrying an equally eye-catching bouquet for much less. Since this technique is so quick and simple, you can also create bouquets for all of the bridesmaids. Use different flowers so that yours stands out, but use this same step-by-step tutorial on how to make flower bouquet arrangements to have fresh blooms everyone's talking about.

Estimated Cost$11-$20

Time to CompleteIn an evening

Primary TechniqueFlorals/Wreaths

What types of flowers would you use for a bridal bouquet?


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